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Fujian and Samarkand Region of Uzbekistan Seek Closer Ties

Source: | 2023-12-19 15:32   Click:

A delegation of Uzbekistan’s Samarkand Region, headed by Governor Erkinjon Turdimov, visited Fujian from December 14 to 15.



Governor Zhao Long and Executive Vice Governor Guo Ningning met with the delegation. The two sides discussed ways to strengthen cooperation and signed a MoU to establish sister relationship, based on the vision of building a China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future, as agreed upon by President Xi Jinping and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev during the China-Central Asia Summit in May.


Fujian Province and Samarkand Region, which are both important Belt and Road hubs, enjoy broad space and vast potential for cooperation. Ten years into the Belt and Road Initiative, the two sides stand to benefit from stronger economic and trade cooperation in areas such as textiles, construction materials, new energy vehicles, modern agriculture, and mining, as well as further exchanges in tourism, education, culture, and science. Such collaboration will lend greater impetus to high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and the building of an even closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future, Zhao emphasized.


Turdimov applauded Fujian’s achievements in high-quality development. He stressed that Samarkand is ready to act on the common understandings of the two heads of state and deepen win-win cooperation in industry, agriculture and development of free trade zones under the Belt and Road framework.


On December 15, the Samarkand-Fujian Economic and Trade Forum was held in Fuzhou. Over 160 representatives attended the event, during which both sides promoted their respective investment environment and key industries for cooperation, and reached preliminary agreements for cooperation in wide-ranging areas.


During their stay in Fujian, the Samarkand delegation members visited New Land Technology Group, Fujian Nebula Electronics Company, and the historic district of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys.






